Despite his small role in the main game, he also appears in the Custom Night mode. Yenndo is a funtime endoskeleton and a minor antagonist from Sister Location. Clicking on Ennard's mask nose makes a crying noise, and other sounds are produced by the three baby heads and strange toy …Yenndo Main article: Yenndo. When the player is in the Primary Control Module, clicking on certain objects creates strange sounds. Submit your writingLearn more about the Yenndo & Funtime Foxy at the hobbyDB database.Easter Eggs are randomly occurring or specific things that the developers of a game left in as a hidden joke, reference, or detail. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Esto es porque " yendo ", es el gerundio del verbo ir y la forma correcta de escribir el término es con. Mr.La respuesta de la Real Academia Española ante la duda de cómo escribir "yendo o llendo".Exotic Butters: Pizzeria Simulator Bucket Bob.Im not trying to hate but doesn't this debunk MikeVictim?.(MOVIE TRAILER DISCOVERY) r/fnaftheories Who is yenndo? votes A mainfestation of gf in sl The endoskeleton of prototype funtime freddy Other Voting closed r/fnaftheories If Yenndo is on, he will jumpscare you, regardless of how the oxygen meter fell, and you won't pass out. When the oxygen meter goes out, you will not be jumpscared, unless Yenndo has been turned on. When the toxic meter kills you, you will not get jumpscared. It can happen either through the oxygen meter dropping to zero, or the toxic meter filling up. Hope you won't mind him staring at you near a corner!Passing out is one of the ways to die. If he is in your office, open your monitor again to make him disappear." The Yenndo skin can be used on both Bedrock and Java edition. "This mysterious endoskeleton will appear at random when closing your monitor. And in Ultimate Night he is an antagonist, a servant of X.O.R! He is voiced by Quinton Flynn and his voice actor in the 2019 film Ultimate Night is Kevin Schon.MCVinnyq. Lolbit is a supporting character in the 1999 animated Disney film, FNAF World and one of the (former) secondary antagonists in it's 2000 sequel, Sister Location. Yenndo is an endoskeleton strongly similar to Funtime Freddy’s.” Yenndo is very similar to Funtime Freddy’s endoskeleton (whose full body can be seen more clearly from the “Making of Freddy” section in the Extra menu), with complete lack of a suit-shell, to reveal very detailed endoskeleton wirings, somewhat resembling human muscle.