the footprints are useless because Giant Alex doesn’t get around by walking, but by rather glitching around.#minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftcreepypasta #dream In this vid, I will tell you about the top 3 Scary seeds in 1.19.74+Orphanage seed:. On WildDogXD’s channel, he has encountered her twice and what it looked like in the second video, it looked like she ate him, his game crashed, and the world got deleted. I dont know if this seed works on bedrock edition, but I have tried, it failed.

Although every thing at first seemed normal at first things began to. In this video I explore the seed 3388 only to find out that this is not a normal world. Minecraft for Windows 10 also uses Bedrock Edition! Java Seeds Cozy Desert.

This seed is set up so perfectly that it seems like it's straight out of the horror game. We've got a huge batch of the best 1.16+ seeds for Minecraft! We've got a variety of different seeds, and feature many landmarks to visit by including direct coordinates. Using these seeds, players can immerse themselves in the nuances of village life by interacting with locals, discovering hidden treasures, and possibly even protecting these settlements. Minecraft horror myths | Minecraft herobrine seed | Minecraft scary myths | Minecraft scary seedsInstagram - info : from Minecraft Scary seedsMinecraft Scary seeds 1.19Minecraft hauntedMinecraft horrorMinecraft creepyminecraft creepypastaminecraft ho.Village Seeds for Minecraft offers a plethora of exploration options, whether you want a small village hidden within lush trees or a massive desert settlement. If you.Make sure to Subscribe and Turn on Notifications 🔔! 📱 JOIN MY MESSAGES CHAT and TALK with ME and. Scary seeds in minecraft bedrock edition Clip :- Minecraft Scary seedsMinecraft Scary seeds 1.19Minecraft hauntedMinecraft horrorMinecraft creepyminecraft creepypastaminecraft horror maps.#minecraft #minecraftbedrock #scaryMake sure to check out this vid :- this seed, players die and mysteriously disappear.